- Home
- Departments
- Endoscopic services
- Gastroscopy
- Diagnostic gastroscopy and biopsy
- Checking H.pylori infection
- Gastric polypectomy
- Variceal management
- Duodenal ulcer - gastric ulcer bleeding management
- Esophageal stenting
- Duodenal stenting
- Esophageal stricture dilation
- Esophageal achalasia management
- Gastrostomy tube
- Colonoscopy
- Diagnostic colonoscopy
- Polypectomies
- Band ligation of haemorrhoids
- Crhon’s disease- ulcerative colitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Colonic stenting
- Stone extraction
- Biliary Stenting
- Bariatric endoscopy
- Balloon- insertion
- Botox injection- Management of post
- Operative complications
- Stenting- clipping
- Management of liver disease
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis B